
I'm A Mac....Finally

There is a time when you must let go of the past, no matter how hard it is. Saying goodbye to Nikon was a emotional time filled with tears, fond memories and two months of Nikon withdrawal. Most recently I let go of my Compaq laptop for an Apple MacBook Pro. Actually I kicked it out the door, which really hurt because it was about 3 inches thick and weighed 30 pounds. I am hip and cool again with the help of this sexy machine. Though we have only been together for a week, I know that MacBook Pro and I are going to be friends forever. Here are some photos of us hanging out.

Here Mac and I share a cold one on the blue couch.

Mac and I in sleep mode. Sorry for the nightvision.

Here Mac and I are making fun of PC because he has a 12 inch screen, his battery can't hold a charge, his hard drive is only 3 gigs, he doesn't have any USB ports, he is fat and because he is not a Mac. Life just got better.

I would like to give thanks to all my friends and family who pushed me into and supported me in this life changing purchase. You have been hounding me for months now to make the switch and upgrade my life. Well, it finally came true, wish I would have done it earlier. THANK YOU! You know who you are.