

Playoff Magic

Well, I am off the boat(but I am still swaying a little). Thanks to Shawna for filling my shoes while I was cruz'in. Way to go Sioux on the crushing 42-0 win over Winona State in the first round of the playoffs. Hi Mom!

Some Pigskin Fun


Mmm, mojitoes

What Kory is currently drinking in a tropical paradise:


Marissa and Chad

Bad Boys

Trying to be creative for the Men's Basketball Media Guide cover shot.

More Sports Fun

Sara and Ryan, Kory-style

Here are a couple images from Sara and Ryan's wedding:


Yo yo

I'm not Kory Wallen, but this is Kory Wallen's new blog. He needed a push to create it, so I did.

Here Kory shall muse about his longing for Amy Grant, his long-lost leather jacket, and his obsession with Nikon.